How to take advantage of R&D&I in agriculture in the cosmetics sector

How to take advantage of R&D&I in agriculture in the cosmetics sector


In a society that is increasingly aware of healthy habits, the primary sector is renewing itself to adapt to the new market demands, betting more and more on investing in the application of biotechnology to agriculture.

The commitment to R&D&I is a safe bet for this sector, both from an economic and social point of view, since investing in improving sustainability by taking advantage of environmental resources and betting on bioeconomy is the order of the day.

Thus, we find ourselves in a primary sector that is incorporating new methods and that step by step is being industrialized to make room for the new reality, more ecologic and sustainable.

Oryzite is the result of year of research that Iban Ganduxé carried on to finally develop a technology that allows to replace the use of polymers by rice husk up to 80%

We want to be faithful to our ecological values and…
At Novsus we have also invested in R&D&I!!

Together with Oryzite, we took a step further in R&D&I and we have developed a line of environmentally sustainable cosmetic jars, made by Oryzite (rice husk) and sugar cane, and indeed, they are:


The future of the planet is in our hands.
At Novsus we believe that agriculture and R&D&I is a good way to join the change towards a more sustainable becoming!

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