Currently, about 15,3 billion trees are felled each year, which means that about 42 million are felled each day and about 2 million during the minute and a half it takes to read this post.
And do you know that of this amount, about 25 million cut down trees each year are used solely for the production of chopsticks?
For about three millennia, Asian cultures have used chopsticks to eat, but in recent years, due to public health reasons, in many establishments disposable chopsticks are used. Only China consumes about 45 billion chopsticks and Japan about 24 billion, followed by Korea, Vietnam, Thailand, etc.
At Novsus we are committed to the environment and climate change, to preserve forests and reduce tree felling. This commitment has led us to develop, in collaboration with Oryzite, sustainable and ecological chopsticks made from rice husk.
Thanks to our Akoa ecological material, made from Oryzite, we achieved how to obtain chopsticks with the highest percentage of rice husks on the market. In addition, we have the European / American food certificate that supports us.