What is sustainable packaging? FAQs to get rid of doubts

What is sustainable packaging
What is sustainable packaging

What is sustainable packaging? FAQs to get rid of doubts

If you are wondering what sustainable packaging is, here we will answer the most frequently asked questions on the subject. More and more people are aware of a greener and more sustainable future, so both consumers and product brands must unite in a common goal.

What is sustainable packaging?

Sustainable packaging addresses the practices of designing and using containers and packaging that cause the least possible impact on the environment throughout its life cycle. This implies considering aspects such as the choice of renewable or recyclable materials for its production, as we do at Novsus with Oryzite, an innovative material based on rice hulls that the food industry discards.

Sustainable packaging also implies reducing the amount of waste generated, minimizing carbon emissions, and promoting the reuse or recycling of packaging. In this case, at Novsus, in addition to giving rice husks a second life, we create containers with Oryzite, an alternative material to plastic that, due to its composition, reduces the amount of CO2 on the planet.

Why a company should worry about using sustainable packaging

The companies at the forefront do not stop investing so that their production is more respectful of the environment. It is not only because they inhabit this planet and are aware of its deterioration, but also because organic brands generate consumer trust.

The most important trend in consumer behavior

According to recent studies, 66% of consumers are willing to pay more for sustainable products. This means that there is a high demand for environmentally friendly products.

What is the purpose of sustainable packaging?

What is sustainable packaging’s goal? To contribute to the conservation of the environment and promote a circular economy to minimize the consumption of natural resources and reduce waste generation.

The current level of consumption is not sustainable for the planet in the long term. If we do not want to do without anything we have achieved so far, we must generate alternatives to the current system, and a perfect way to start is with sustainable packaging.

The 5 Rs of sustainable packaging

We all know the 3 R’s for a greener and more sustainable world. To these three R’s we need to add a couple more. These R’s help us not to forget the tools we have as consumers and citizens to build a more ecological, fair, and healthy way of life for all.

Reduce: The first step to achieving truly sustainable packaging is to reduce how much packaging used. This can be done by buying products with less packaging, reusing packaging, or choosing products not wrapped in plastic.

Reuse: The next step is to reuse the packaging whenever possible. For exemple, paper bags, cardboard boxes, and plastic containers.

Recycle: If you can’t reuse the packaging, it must be recycled. This will help reduce the amount of waste going to landfills. And with this material, new containers will be generated using fewer resources.

Recover: Recovered materials can be used to create new packaging. This helps reduce the need for consumption of new natural resources.

Repair: Instead of throwing away damaged containers, you can repair them. This helps extend the life of the packaging and reduce the amount of waste.

How to know if packaging is actually sustainable

We can all help the planet by making small changes in our lives and modifying our consumption habits. Supporting truly sustainable packaging is a big step.

To do this, you must investigate some relevant aspects so that the greenwashing of some companies does not make you choose the wrong containers.

Some materials are more sustainable than others, thus, it is better to choose those with a lower percentage of plastic. Well-designed packaging can reduce the material needed and make it easier to recycle or reuse.

The packaging manufacturing process can also have a major impact on its sustainability. Some manufacturing processes may use more energy or produce more greenhouse gas emissions than others. Knowing this process will be key to being able to choose well.

The transport of the packaging can also have impact on its sustainability; a responsible consumer will always opt for a local or kilometer-0 product.

Tips for introducing the change toward sustainable packaging in your company

Companies are the first in charge of achieving sustainable production methods that avoid the generation of CO2 and wasteful consumption of natural resources. To do this, they must focus on transport, the materials used, packaging design, and energy consumption in production.

We know that this process can be overwhelming at first, but having specialized and trusted partners will make this transition to a more sustainable company easy and comfortable.

How Novsus can help you take your company one step further on its path toward sustainability

At Novsus, we care that your cosmetics company is increasingly sustainable. Packaging is the first thing you see when purchasing a product, and the means and materials to produce it matter a lot.

For all this, our containers are of Km0, since the plants where Oryzite is produced are within the areas where the rice is cultivated and separated from the husk, with a minimum expense of natural resources.

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